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Cardano Green, Social & Sustainable Euro Credit – C1 Acc EUR

About the fund

  • This fund has a sustainable investment objective.
  • Diversified investments in sustainable corporate bonds that positively impact people, society, and the environment.
  • Invests in companies that actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as established by the United Nations (UN).
  • Relatively low risk.
  • Suitable for professional investors and retail investors.

Fund data

  • ISIN
  • NAV
  • Trading rate
  • Date
  • Morningstar
    Morningstar not available
  • SFDR
    SFDR 9
  • Category
  • Currency hedging
  • Regime
  • Region

Who is the fund for?

Cardano Green, Social & Sustainable Euro Credit – C1 Acc EUR is well-suited for investors who want to fill their European portfolio with sustainable corporate bonds in one go. And that wish to invest sustainably with impact. The fund is one of the cheapest in its category.

What does the fund invest in?

The fund has sustainable investment objectives that impose minimum requirements on the behavior of companies. Cardano Green, Social & Sustainable Euro Credit – C1 Acc EUR invests in sustainable corporate bonds, primarily of ‘investment grade’ quality, denominated in euros. A limited portion can also be invested in bonds of government-related institutions or agencies, as well as supranational institutions. The average credit risk of the portfolio must be at least ‘BBB-‘. The fund aims to match at least the benchmark’s return over a three-year period. Besides pursuing a return objective, the fund also aims to add non-financial value, particularly by investing in companies that actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as established by the United Nations (UN). The value of the investments in the fund may fluctuate significantly as a result of the investment policy, both in absolute terms and relative to the benchmark. The fund adheres to UCITS investment restrictions and invests no more than 10% in other UCITS funds.

Period per 31-12-2023 YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years
Fund 9,20% 9,20% -2,74% -0,44%
Benchmark 8,85% 8,85% -2,93% -0,51%

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The chart is based on daily returns calculated using the net asset value and adjusted for dividend distributions.

Extra information

Sustainability related information

As a fund manager, Cardano has a ‘Principal Adverse Impact Statement‘. Indicators of adverse sustainability impacts applicable at the product level are included for each fund in the sustainability-related information, as well as in the pre-contractual sustainability information annexed to the prospectus. Scores on these indicators are included for each fund in the periodic sustainability information, which is annexed to the fund’s annual report. Therefore, Cardano does not publish a ‘Principal Adverse Impact Statement’ at the product level, i.e., for each fund.

The fund manager is Cardano Asset Management N.V. (formerly ACTIAM N.V.). Cardano and the fund are registered with the AFM (Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets). A prospectus and terms and conditions are available for this fund. The information displayed on this webpage should not be considered investment advice.