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Legal & Compliance Cardano Asset Management N.V.

Privacy notice

Cardano Asset Management N.V. (previously ACTIAM N.V.) collects personal data in its capacity as an employer as well as in order to conduct its business. In the privacy statements below, we inform you of the personal data we collect, why we collect this data and what we do with it.

Please download here the Clients and Business Privacy Notice on how we handle the personal data we collect from our customers, business contacts, suppliers, etc.

Please download here the Recruitment and Employee Privacy Notice on how we handle the personal data we collect from our employees and applicants.

Telephone Call Recording

Cardano records some incoming and outgoing telephone conversations for the purposes of compliance with regulatory requirements. Recordings will take place without warning tones or any other notice. Recordings will be retained for 5 years and will be made available to Clients upon request.

MiFID-II RTS28: annual report

Download here the MiFID-II RTS28 – annual 2022 report.

Download here the MiFID-II RTS28 – annual 2022 report downloadable version.

Remuneration policy

Download here the Remuneration policy.

Licence and registration

Cardano Asset Management N.V. (CAM), formerly known as ACTIAM N.V., holds a license as a manager of collective investment schemes (UCITS) under Article 2:69b of the Financial Supervision Act (Wft) and a license as a fund manager for alternative investment funds (AIFs) under Article 2:65 Wft. Additionally, CAM is authorized to provide the following investment services: managing individual assets, providing investment advice, and receiving and transmitting orders within the meaning of Section 2:67a, (2) (a, b, and d) of the Wft. CAM is licensed by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and is UCITS and AIFMD compliant. CAM is also supervised by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Further information about CAM’s license for managing UCITS can be found in the registration document.

CAM is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30143634 and RSIN 806012900. CAM’s statutory seat is located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The company was established on July 22, 1997, and has been registered in the trade register since August 5, 1997. The articles of association were last amended on June 1, 2023.

Registration and Documentation Custodian

Cardano Asset Management N.V. (formerly ACTIAM N.V.), the AIF manager, has appointed BNP Paribas S.A., Netherlands branch as the custodian of the investment funds managed by Cardano. BNP Paribas S.A., Netherlands branch is the Dutch branch. The following documents of the custodian can be found here: Chamber of Commerce registration (KVK), Articles of Association, and Annual Report.

Marsch McLennan’s Code of Conduct

Download here the Marsh McLennan’s Code of Conduct.