Amerika Aandelenpool
The fund aims to achieve the most favorable possible return for its participants, primarily consisting of long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of publicly traded equities of North American companies. The fund’s investment policy is focused on achieving a return at least equal to that of the MSCI North America Index Net EUR (the benchmark).
Fund data
ISINNo data available –
Trading rate€100.90
MorningstarMorningstar not available
Currency hedgingNon-hedged
RegionNorth America
Investment Policy
The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics, as intended in Article 8 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of equities and equity-related products. An active investment policy is pursued to take advantage of expected market developments.
Extra information
Sustainability related information
As a fund manager, Cardano has a ‘Principal Adverse Impact Statement‘. Indicators of adverse sustainability impacts applicable at the product level are included for each fund in the sustainability-related information, as well as in the pre-contractual sustainability information annexed to the prospectus. Scores on these indicators are included for each fund in the periodic sustainability information, which is annexed to the fund’s annual report. Therefore, Cardano does not publish a ‘Principal Adverse Impact Statement’ at the product level, i.e., for each fund.
Fund documents
Download: Prospectus (in Dutch) (pdf, 1.29 MB)
Download: Addendum (in Dutch) (pdf, 502.45 KB)